12 Month Social Media Presence

What is 12 Month Social Media Presence?

Turn your MediatorSelect profile into a 12-month social campaign, which is then dripped out to social channels. Campaign is designed to engage with your audience and drive traffic back to your profile.

We create a whole sequence of social content and branded imagery (fully cropped and optimized for each of social accounts).

It’s highly suggest that Mediators be digitally present to help them marketing their services even when they are busy with clients. Being present ad visible on social media is a must.

Facebook Highlight
Facebook Highlight.
Twitter Highlight
Twitter Highlight.

What is included?

We prepare and launch campaigns on social media using content from your MediatorSelect profile:

To follow these posts, you can check our social pages (and by the way please like/follow these pages):


Why should I publish many social posts?

Increase your visibility on social media channels without any effort.

Drive more traffic to your profile

How much does it cost?

12 month social media campaign preparation, review and activation cost is: $29.99

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