University Park/IL Mediators

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The list below presents all Mediators who have their office address in University Park/IL.

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Sandra Heard

Sandra Heard

BGD Mediators University Park, Il 7 Recommendations

BGD Mediators, offer professional mediation services and a great alternative for reaching an amenable agreement between parties, at a reasonable cost. quality of service and cost-effectiveness. Sessions are held using Zoom. Minimum service cost is $225 /hour with a 2-hrs min. Ph 708-...

Sandra Heard

Sandra Heard

BGD Mediators University Park, IL 0 Recommendations

Sandra Heard, is a Nationally Certified Professional Mediator (NCPM) and is the CEO of BGD Mediators. Mediators help facilitate the resolution of conflicts and assist families, employers, and businesses in conflict resolution. Mediation replaces costly litigation and other time-consum...

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