Steven Corn

Steven Corn

0 Recomendaçãos Metis Mediation Services United States
Locais de Cobertura Nacional
Adicionar ao Caso AprovadoRecomendado Steven
Informações de Contato 8886384763
  • Informação
  • Depoimentos 0

Descrição do Exercício da Atividade

Mediation offers a collaborative resolution process where a neutral third party facilitates communication between disputing parties, promoting open dialogue and understanding. Unlike arbitration or court cases, it allows participants to retain control over the outcome, fostering creative solutions and preserving relationships. Mediation is often quicker, less formal, and more cost-effective, emphasizing mutual agreement over a binding decision imposed by an arbitrator or judge. Additionally, the confidential nature of mediation encourages parties to be candid, facilitating the exploration of underlying issues for a more sustainable resolution.

Experiência Profissional

30 years handling business affairs in the music industry
Baltimore Mediation Advanced Training Certificates:
1) 40-hour workplace/employment mediation & conflict transformation skills training
2) 40-hour fundamentals of conflict transformation and mediation
3) 20-hour advanced mediation & conflict transformation skills with focus on separation, divorce, custody, child access, parenting plans, trauma, trauma healing

Experiência em Mediação

Panel Mediator, Maryland District Court

Abordagem & Filosofia de Mediação

Mediation is a way for the parties to communicate clearly with each other about what brought them to the discussion. It is a process by which the parties can mutually agree on how to handle the situation. The mediator’s role is not to offer suggestions. Rather it is to facilitate the parties to come up with their own solution. It is to assist the parties to listen to each other and obtain an understanding of how to appreciate each other’s situation or perspective and how to move forward from the point of conflict. The hallmarks of our mediation practice are • Enabling the parties to fully communicate their positions • Respecting the autonomy of the parties • Suspending judgment and being neutral • Protecting the confidentiality of the mediation process

Casos Representativos Nos Quais Atuou Como Mediador

Landloard - Tenant Disputes | Parenting Plans | Child Custody | Intellectual Property | Health Care


$250/hr with a two-hour minimum


Louise Phipps Senft
Baltimore Mediation
[email protected]

Outras informações

Mediation sessions are conducted via Zoom nationwide.


Número de Casos Mediados 5+
Anos de Atividade 1




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Este mediador não tem depoimentos.

Painéis & Associações Maryland Program for Mediator Excellence (MPME)
Áreas de Atuação em Mediação Entertainment/Sports Family/Divorce Intellectual Property Landlord/Tenant
Idiomas English

Caso tenha alguma dúvida sobre este perfil ou sugestões sobre o que você quer ver na Mediatorselect, será um prazer receber o seu contato! Lemos todas as ideias, recomendações e reclamações. Enviar Feedback

Informações de Contato 8886384763
Painéis & Associações Maryland Program for Mediator Excellence (MPME)
Áreas de Atuação em Mediação Entertainment/Sports Family/Divorce Intellectual Property Landlord/Tenant
Idiomas English


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