David Spellman
0 Recomendaçãos Albany, NY United States
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Descrição do Exercício da Atividade
I mediate all employment disputes. I am also a marital mediator, with the goal of the couple working things out to stay together.
Experiência Profissional
BS Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University; JD The Cornell Law School. M.S. Mental Health Counseling St. Thomas University, LL.M in Tax Law University of Miami Law School 24 years as a General Counsel and 6 years as a CEO.
Experiência em Mediação
I have mediated employment cases heavily since 2005 and marital matters (helping keep couples together by resolving their issues) since 2013.
Abordagem & Filosofia de Mediação
My approach is to listen because the parties often have the resolution within themselves. I will also, as needed, be active and probe with questions. I prefer everyone at the same table but will shuttle between rooms if needed.
Casos Representativos Nos Quais Atuou Como Mediador
Employment disputes in school districts. Couples on the verge of divorce who wish to step back from the brink.
Experiência Complexa de Caso
Complex employment cases involving cba negotiations in the context of ULP charges.
$200/hour split as $100 per party.
Número de Casos Mediados
Número de Casos Mediados com Múltiplas Partes
Anos de Atividade
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