Rockville/MD Mediadores

Encontrar Mediadores em Rockville/MD

A lista abaixo apresenta todos os Mediadores com endereço de escritório em Rockville/MD.

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Robert Baum

Robert Baum

Law Office of Robert L. Baum Rockville, MD 0 Recomendaçãos

Bob Baum is an attorney-mediator who offers a full range of mediation services. With over 30 years of experience, Mr. Baum tailors his mediation style to what will be most helpful to the parties. He mediates every variety of case, including family law, business, partnership, intellectu...

Steven Corn

Steven Corn

Metis Mediation Services Rockville, MD 0 Recomendaçãos

Mediation offers a collaborative resolution process where a neutral third party facilitates communication between disputing parties, promoting open dialogue and understanding. Unlike arbitration or court cases, it allows participants to retain control over the outcome, fostering creativ...

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