Michelle Fitzgerald

Michelle Fitzgerald

0 Recomendaçãos Horizons Law Group, LLC United States
Locais de Cobertura
Adicionar ao Caso AprovadoRecomendado Michelle
Informações de Contato 2624323600
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Descrição do Exercício da Atividade

Michelle is a zealous advocate for her clients; however, in her mediation cases, she is passionate about helping parties find ways to resolve their disputes without resorting to the court system and the traditional legal process. Her mediations are not three meetings and done. Rather, she goes in depth with the parties, to get to the bottom of current interests, future goals and concerns of the parties. In doing so, the parties are able to reach amicable agreements without lingering resentment about the process or each other. This generally takes four to six sessions. Michelle is the founder of Horizons Law Group, LLC and is as an adjunct professor at Marquette University Law School teaching the Mediation Advocacy Workshop. Michelle won the 2011 Women in the Law award from the Wisconsin Law Journal and often speaks for various groups with an educational emphasis.  




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