Virginia Colin

Virginia Colin

0 Recomendaçãos United States
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Adicionar ao Caso AprovadoRecomendado Virginia
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Descrição do Exercício da Atividade

ormerly a research psychologist, Virginia L. Colin, Ph.D. has been providing family mediation services since 1999. She specializes in helping couples and ex-couples develop co-parenting plans and financial agreements that support their children’s healthy development and their own well-being. She has helped hundreds of couples negotiate constructively and settle the terms of their divorces. She empowers clients to make their own decisions about child custody, parenting plans (including visitation), child support, spousal support, separation, divorce, co-parenting challenges, and other family matters. All of her work focuses on family mediation.

Having survived a dreadful divorce, Dr. Colin actively supports divorce reform efforts, teaching people how to take a lot of the pain, financial cost, acrimony, and trauma out of divorce. She also loves learning and teaching about building healthy relationships and solving family problems long before anyone has reason to consider divorce. 

Dr. Colin has been a foster parent, a married parent, a divorced single parent, and a remarried stepparent. With Rebecca Martin, Dr. Colin wrote The Guide to Low-Cost Divorce in Virginia (available from Amazon). She is a former President of the Academy of Professional Family Mediators and the current Director of Colin Family Mediation Group.





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