Dan Blair

Dan Blair

0 Recommendations Blair Counseling and Mediation United States
Territoires desservis Illinois, IL
Ajouter au dossier de médiation ExcellentRecommander Dan
Informations de contact 18152763947
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Description de la pratique

As a counselor specializing in communication, conflict resolution and family dynamics for over 30 years, I have found that this education and experience give me an edge to build an alliance with each parent and avoid derailment in divorce mediation. Also, child development training helps answer questions and gives considerations to best interest of children. Decisions that need to be made for a comprehensive divorce settlement can be settled through a neutral mediator as guide throughout the process. 

Parcours professionnel

Dan has worked 30 years in social service settings. Dan is experienced as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and is a trained, court-approved divorce mediator, Nationally Certified Parenting Coordinator, and a Certified Anger Management Specialist. He is trained as a child custody evaluator and is a member of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, the Professional Academy of Custody Experts, and the National Anger Management Association. He also serves on the McHenry County Board of Directors for the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Dan not only has his own children, he has been a live-in houseparent, foster parent, a step-parent, a consultant to group homes and foster homes, and a Clinical Director. He enjoys his involvement in marriage ministry at church. He earned his B. A. in Psychology at Trinity College and his M. A. in Clinical Psychology at Wheaton College. Mediation Training completed through Northwestern University.

Expérience dans la médiation

15 years experience with divorce mediation, co-parenting counseling, reinification therapy and supervised visitation.

Approche et philosophie de médiation

Facilitatory Approach For example I may ask: What are your best hopes for this process? What are your fears about this? What will be required of yourself? How motivated are you? When do we need an agreement done by? Are you prepared to be the only one that is flexible? (Are you going to change your mind on an issue, especially if upset)? Are you prepared to be the only one that generates new ideas? (Do you want to talk about the past or the future)? Imagine you got what you needed from this process. How would that help your kids (or you)? What do you believe the easiest issues are to be solved? Pressing issues are not meant to be final, precedential, and admissible. There may be retroactive application of any new resolution. What would you do if you were in the other’s shoes? Can each of you offer a package deal? Wouldn’t it make sense to see how much we could accomplish before we go to war?

Cas représentatifs traités en tant que médiateur


Expérience de dossiers complexes

Coparenting Issues including substance abuse, trauma, estrangement, alienation
Division of assets and liabilities including retirement investments and benefits, stock options, business interests


$200 per hour


Nombre de dossiers de médiation traités 100+
Nombre de différends multiPartites traités 100+
Années de pratique 15




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Ce médiateur n'a reçu aucun témoignage.

Domaines de pratique de la médiation Family/Divorce
Diplômes B. A. in Psychology at Trinity College M. A. in Clinical Psychology
Services professionnels Mediator
Langues English Spanish

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Informations de contact 18152763947
Domaines de pratique de la médiation Family/Divorce
Diplômes B. A. in Psychology at Trinity College M. A. in Clinical Psychology
Services professionnels Mediator
Langues English Spanish


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