Brigid Schibelka

Brigid Schibelka

0 Recommendations Anew Mediation United States
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Informations de contact 8153238938
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Description de la pratique

Brigid brings her extensive experience as a Divorce Mediator specializing in visitation and custody issues since 2005. Demonstrating an unwavering commitment to safeguarding the welfare of children during marital dissolution while also significantly reducing parental expenses, she guides families in crafting meticulously tailored divorce plans to suit their individual needs. 
      Non-attorney divorce mediation presents families with a strategic avenue to reclaim control over the decision-making process, thus circumventing the exclusive reliance on legal counsel. By opting for mediation, parents actively engage in shaping the terms of their divorce agreements, fostering a collaborative environment conducive to mutually beneficial outcomes. This approach not only empowers families but also ensures that solutions are pragmatic, sustainable, and aligned with the overarching interests of all parties involved.
    Selecting a non-attorney mediator such as Brigid Schibelka offers families a dual advantage of cost efficiency and a congenial atmosphere for conflict resolution. By steering clear of protracted courtroom battles and exorbitant legal fees, families can streamline financial expenditures while preserving amicable relations. Under Brigid's expert guidance, families navigate their divorce proceedings with dignity and professionalism, culminating in meticulously crafted divorce plans that pave the way for a harmonious transition into the next phase of their lives.




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Informations de contact 8153238938


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