Mark Dietzler

Mark Dietzler

0 Recommendations Mark Dietzler, PLLC, d/b/a Dietzler Mediation United States
Territoires desservis National
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Description de la pratique

Understanding probable outcomes is what I bring to the table as your mediator.  I have represented plaintiffs and defendants in serious injury and wrongful death cases for over 30 years.

Parcours professionnel

On May 1, 2021 I took an early retirement from my position as Managing Attorney for Liberty Mutual Group, Inc.'s, Staff Legal Office in Seattle, Washington where I worked for ten and a half years managing 25 plus lawyers.  Prior to joining Liberty Mutual Group, Inc., I was a shareholder at Vandeberg, Johnson & Gandara, in Tacoma, WA.  I have also worked as trial counsel for Farmers Insurance Group and as an associate at Davies Pearson, P.C., in Tacoma, WA.

Formation en médiation

Bruce Edwards Mediation Academy

Approche et philosophie de médiation

I have handled thousands of personal injury cases over my career and I have tried over 50 jury trials. Understanding probable outcomes is what I bring to the table as your mediator.

Cas représentatifs traités en tant que médiateur

I have mediated cases involving car and work site accidents together with premises, school district, municipal, governmental, and product liability cases.

Expérience de dossiers complexes

I have handled cases involving death, traumatic brain injury, amputation, burn, surgical, para and quadriplegia,


Nombre de dossiers de médiation traités 50+
Nombre de différends multiPartites traités 50+
Années de pratique 30




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Ce médiateur n'a reçu aucun témoignage.

Domaines de pratique de la médiation Complex Cases Construction Insurance Personal Injury
Diplômes MBA Technology and Innovative Management - Pacific Lutheran University Juris Doctor - University of Puget Sound School of Law BA Business and Economics - University of Minnesota Morris
Services professionnels Mediator Attorney Mediator Mediator-Arbitrator Arbitrator Facilitator Mediation Consultant Collaborative Professional
Langues English

Si vous avez des questions sur ce profil ou même des suggestions sur ce que vous souhaiteriez voir sur MediatorSelect, nous aimerions que vous nous en fassiez part ! Nous prenons en compte toute idée ainsi que les conseils et réclamations. Envoyez vos commentaires

Informations de contact
Domaines de pratique de la médiation Complex Cases Construction Insurance Personal Injury
Diplômes MBA Technology and Innovative Management - Pacific Lutheran University Juris Doctor - University of Puget Sound School of Law BA Business and Economics - University of Minnesota Morris
Services professionnels Mediator Attorney Mediator Mediator-Arbitrator Arbitrator Facilitator Mediation Consultant Collaborative Professional
Langues English


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