Becky A. Bartness
0 Recommendations Wilenchik & Bartness, LLP Phoenix, Az United States
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Becky has been practicing law for 37 years, and has been serving as a mediator and arbitrator for 30 years. Becky was awarded her Juris Doctor degree from Justice Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law (formerly the Arizona State College of Law, served as a law clerk for the Hon. Valdemar Cordova, Federal District Court of Arizona and for the Hon. William Canby of the US NInth Circuit Court of Appeals. Becky then entered private practice as an associate at Evans, Kitchell & Jenckes, specializing in labor law, real estate law, corporate law, and environmental law. Some years later Becky became in-house counsel for Merabank, and then general counsel for Chase Bank of Arizona. In 1992, BEcky became a founding member of Wilenchik & Bartness, LLP, which was formed in 1991. Wilenchik & Bartness is a commercial law firm, excelling in commercial litigation, mediation, and arbitration.
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