Scott Baroway
0 Recommendations Mediation Partners United States
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Divorce Mediation -After more than 20 years as a Denver litigator, my experiences lead me to the conclusion that for most divorce cases, litigation was the wrong way to find resolution. The customary “day in court” approach takes an extraordinary amount of time, costs a “sticker shock” amount of money, causes irreparable damage to family relations, and rarely achieved the best result for the parties. At the end of the day, few clients felt anyone had listened to their concerns, were frustrated by the lack of control over the case and the costs, and did not think the end result was worth the emotional and financial damages it caused to their lives. So, a number of years ago, I gave up representing parties in litigated divorces, and now focus on the powerful method of mediation to help people learn about their options, determine their unique needs, and then create workable solutions with the most cost effective and fair process available. Please review the materials on www.divorcehelpcenter.net to see if divorce mediation in Colorado may be right or you.
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