Colorado Mediadores

Encontrar Mediadores em Colorado

A lista abaixo apresenta todos os Mediadores com endereço de escritório em Colorado. Você pode filtrar os resultados por Cidade.

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Scott Baroway

Scott Baroway

Mediation Partners Littleton, co 0 Recomendaçãos

Divorce Mediation -After more than 20 years as a Denver litigator, my experiences lead me to the conclusion that for most divorce cases, litigation was the wrong way to find resolution. The customary “day in court” approach takes an extraordinary amount of time, costs a “sticker shock” ...

Samuel Ventola

Samuel Ventola

Ventola Mediation Denver, CO 0 Recomendaçãos

As a litigator for over 30 years, I use that courtroom experience to help business owners resolve disputes quickly and effectively. Unlike other mediators, I provide a legal analysis of each case from a litigation perspective including success at trial.

Shelly McLaughlin

Shelly McLaughlin

ADR McLaughlin Kelowna, British Columbia 0 Recomendaçãos

Shelly has a wealth of mediation and arbitration experience along with a diverse background bringing a unique perspective and knowledge to her work. In addition to Mediating on a variety of issues, she has, amidst other things, Managed large investment portfolios, been an Entrepreneu...

Tamarah Evanko Gay

Tamarah Evanko Gay

Phoenix Mediation Vernon, Connecticut 0 Recomendaçãos

15 Years


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