Find Mediators in Michigan
The list below presents all Mediators who have their office address in Michigan. You can further filter results by City.
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David Wells
Twin Lake, MI 0 RecommendationsMediation, Arbitration and General Legal: Engaged in private and court appointed mediation since 2001. Served as a mediator in cases involving medical/legal issues, real estate, employment contracts, commercial contracts, personal injury, construction contracts, partnership disputes, p...
Lee Kramer
Great Lakes Dispute Resolution, LLC
Mr. Kramer has been involved in recreational boating since childhood and after graduating from the University of Detroit School of Law in 1976 has engaged in the practice of Maritime Law throughou...
James Abron
AbronADR Services Livonia, MI 0 RecommendationsAbronADR Services is a full service conflict resolution firm. We specialize in labor, workplace, engineering, architecture, environmental, land use, and construction related cases due to the unique background of our principal. Mr. Abron has gained extensive experience on general civil...
Michael Tomko
Resolve Conflict, LLC Wayland, MI 0 RecommendationsMichael Tomko is a mediator and arbitrator who specializes in civil, small claims, domestic, and labor disputes nation-wide. Mike is a member of the American Arbitration Association (AAA) labor arbitration panel and FINRA arbitration panel, he conducts private mediations and serves on ...