Lynn Johnson

Lynn Johnson

0 Aanbeveling s LM Johnson Mediation Whittier, CA United States
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Contactgegevens 5622869103
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Beschrijving van Praktijk

LM Johnson Mediation is an integration of dispute resolution and technology.  After an extensive and successful career in technology,  LM Johnson began a second career immersed in the study of mediation,  integrating that with what he learned in years of enterprise and research technology.  To date, the services and products resulting from that integration include mediation in the courts and in the community, membership on a Federal panel, and work with local universities mentoring  volunteers,  as well as the assessment of disputes and systems for enterprises and agencies.  

The experience of applying technology across a wide range of endeavors provides LM Johnson the knowledge and perspective  to join the shift of mediation from its past focus on to the environment technology and the internet are creating in commerce and social communications. That especially includes the use of technology in areas labelled online dispute resolution (ODR) and dispute systems design (DSD).  


Aantal afgehandelde meervoudige partijen 100+




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Panelen & Verenigingen Southern California Mediation Association U.S. Bankruptcy Court - Central District of California
Mediation Praktijkgebieden Bankruptcy Business/Commercial Community Landlord/Tenant Online Mediation Personal Injury
Professionele Diensten Mediator Mediation Consultant Collaborative Professional
Talen English

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Contactgegevens 5622869103
Panelen & Verenigingen Southern California Mediation Association U.S. Bankruptcy Court - Central District of California
Mediation Praktijkgebieden Bankruptcy Business/Commercial Community Landlord/Tenant Online Mediation Personal Injury
Professionele Diensten Mediator Mediation Consultant Collaborative Professional
Talen English


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