Tallahassee/FL Mediators

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Thomas Bateman

Thomas Bateman

Messer Caparello, P.A. Tallahassee, Fl 1 Aanbeveling

Since retiring from the Florida circuit court trial bench in 2009, Tom Bateman has been serving as a full-time Florida Supreme Court Certified Mediator and Qualified Arbitrator in the state trial and appellate courts and the federal distrct and bankruptcy courts of Florida and the South...

Ruth Vafek

Ruth Vafek

Ausley McMullen Tallahassee, FL 0 Aanbeveling s

Prior to becoming a Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit Civil Mediator, the legal practice of Ausley McMullen shareholder Ruth Vafek included both litigation and appeals, up to the SCOTUS level, and transactional work. This multi-faceted approach has given her deep insights into ...

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