Sandra Heard

Sandra Heard

0 Aanbeveling s BGD Mediators United States
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Contactgegevens 7082279837
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Beschrijving van Praktijk

Sandra Heard, is a Nationally Certified Professional Mediator (NCPM) and is the CEO of BGD Mediators. Mediators help facilitate the resolution of conflicts and assist families, employers, and businesses in conflict resolution.   Mediation replaces costly litigation and other time-consuming processes but at a much lower cost!   
Sandra is the President and founder of the Business Group Dynamics (BGD) Institute and is a Certified Mediator Trainer.  She also has an MBA in business and is a Certified Illinois Assessing Officer (CIAO).  
The mediator training program offered by Business Group Dynamics (BGD) Institute and BGD Mediators will result in national certification for students who complete the course and is granted by the National Association of Certified Mediators (NACM).  We are committed to providing quality mediation service and advanced mediator training.




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Contactgegevens 7082279837


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